BazEkon - The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics

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BazEkon - bibliographic and full-text literature database in the field of economics and related disciplines, database is maintained by the Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics and created together with:

  • The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics,
  • The Library of Warsaw School of Economics,
  • The Main Library of PoznaƄ University of Economics and Business,
  • The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
  • faculty libraries of the Szczecin University:
    • Library of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Szczecin University,
    • Library of the Faculty of Management and Economics of Services.

The database is accessible on the Virtual Library of Science (ICM) platform and is listed on reference databases directory created by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

BazEkon is a free-access database
BazEkon in numbers:
  • Number of records in the database: 309920 - updated daily
  • including:
    • Records with literature references: 255338
    • Records with full text: 171764
  • Total number of journals / scientific papers - 581 (352 currently published) - (as of 05/04/2017)
  • Total number of journals / scientific papers with access to full text - 296 - (as of 05/04/2017)
  • Number of libraries creating the database - 7


Register for an account on BazEkon to benefit from a range of features, including the ability to save your searches or ensuring quick access to the latest research in your area.


- advanced searching by narrowing down the search options.
Types of indices

  • Keywords – the most widely used method of subject searching; each record contains few keywords describing the publication; after entering the beginning of a term system automatically suggests keywords with that letters used in the database; if the database does not propose any hits it means that such string of characters does not appear anywhere in the kewords index
  • Term - you can enter any term (or its part) and the system will search all the fields of records; this type of search turns up a long list of search results; however, this method is useful when you can't find the subject in the Keyword Index
  • Title – used for searching the records by the work full title or its part
  • Author – used for searching the works of chosen authors by using their surnames
  • Source – used for searching journals titles or scientific papers series
  • Country – used for searching articles on chosen country or region (also Polish voivodeships); all articles are assumed to describe the situation in Poland, therefore other countries appear in the index only if they are explicitly mentioned in the article; Poland is used in this index if an article analyzes situation in Poland along with other countries
  • Company – used for searching information about the companies, enterprises and organizations
  • Language – contains the information about the language of the article
  • Year – used for searching the publication from the set year/period or for narrowing search results
  • Bibliography – used for searching literature on the given subject; if the chosen term was cited, it will be highlighted in the Bibliography field of the record
  • Accessibility - you can narrow the search to a specific library which is part of the BazEkon Consortium


- in this tab you can see which journals/scientific papers series can be found in the database and get information on all changes to the title. From this level it is also possible to access publisher contact informations, Ministerial points and lists of individual issues of journals and scientific papers recorded.

After clicking on the title the issues of the chosen journal/scientific paper appear, special issues are listed below if available.

Search examples

If you look for information about the economic growth, you should choose keyword index and fill in the term or (sometimes better) only its part. You are immediately shown those keywords which contain the string of characters you used.
If you want to narrow the search or there are too many search results, you can choose additional index or term, for example the year of publication (or few years if you aim for a larger publication scope).
To display the full bibliographic record you need to click on the title of an article.
In addition to basic information you can find on the above screen, such as author/title/source, you can also find:
  • keywords
  • abstract
  • bibliography - literature used by the author to write the publication - if applicable
  • link to full-text - if applicable
  • information whether the publication is peer reviewed (from 2014) - if applicable
  • information which institution is the creator of this record (upper-left corner logo)

Cited by

This function allows to search if this article was cited in any other articles of papers recorded in BazEkon. As a result of this search you will be given a list of links to those articles. The program works only on indexed references (processed and checked by the librarians). If the message "There are no citations of this item in BazEkon database" is shown, it may mean that no one has quoted this publication in resources available in BazEkon or that the citations for this work have not been processed yet.

Full-text linking

If you select the full-text option (in the upper right corner of the page), all the results will be filtered and only those with full-text available will be shown. Clicking on the title will expand the full record and the link to full-text link will be shown.

Sorting search results

All sorting and filtering options are placed in the upper right corner of the page. On all screens you can sort data by:
  • year (ascending or descending),
  • title (ascending or descending).

Sending search results

Search results can be sent by e-mail. In the upper right corner of the page there is an icon of an envelope, which you need to click on in order to send the results. Please check whether you want to send all of the results or only those that are on the current page (default option).
In addition, you can choose the format in which you want the results to be sent:
  • standard (as you can see on the screen)
  • BibTeX format
  • Harvard
  • VOSviewer format
  • XML format (option for publishers)