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Bednarek Piotr
Istota controllingu w literaturze polskiej i zagranicznej
Definition of Controlling in Polish and Foreign Literature
Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu. Finanse Bankowość Rachunkowość (4), 2006, nr 1119, s. 82-89, bibliografia 23 poz.
Przegląd literatury, Controlling
Literature review, Controlling
Opracowanie to przegląd znaczenia controllingu jego istoty zarówno w literaturze polskiej jak i zagranicznej.

This paper is an effort to formulate the definition of controlling. It starts with some simple explanations of the word. Then it focuses on its historic and etymologic meaning in four countries: the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, and Poland. Based on that, the author concludes that controlling is rather a way of dealing with the specific problems, that were faced by specially big companies and other organizations in the last century. Finally some current efforts to formulate the real definition of the term were presented.(original abstract)
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