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Godłów-Legiędź Janina
Korupcja a wolność gospodarcza w krajach transformacji ustrojowej
Corruption and Economic Freedom in Transition Economies
Gospodarka Narodowa, 2004, nr 11-12, s. 35-48, bibliogr. 11 poz.
Kraje postkomunistyczne, Gospodarka rynkowa, Przestępstwa gospodarcze, Korupcja, Kraje rozwijające się
Post-communist countries, Market economy, Economic crimes, Corruption, Developing countries
Transparency International
W artykule zanalizowano związek między korupcją a wolnością gospodarczą w krajach transformacji na podstawie indeksów publikowanych przez Transparency International Heritage Foundation. W pierwszej części scharakteryzowano podstawowe indeksy korupcji i wolności gospodarczej, a w drugiej przeprowadzono analizę korelacji między indeksami korupcji (Corruption Perceptions Index - CPI) i indeksami wolności gospodarczej (Economic Freedom Index - EFI).

The article analyses the relationship between corruption and economic freedom in transition economies, on the basis of the corruption perceptions indices published by Transparency International, and the economic freedom indices drawn up under auspices of the Heritage Foundation. We seek answers to the question to what extent the hypothesis that the increase in economic freedom reduces corruption finds confirmation in the countries undergoing deep institutional changes involved with the transition from a centrally-planned to a market economy. In the first part of the article, basic corruption and economic freedom indices are characterised, while the second part contains an analysis of correlations between Corruption Perceptions Indices (CPI) and Economic Freedom Indices (EFI). On that basis, and as a result of an analysis of suggestions from the New Institutional Economics a conclusion has been formulated that the nature of relationships between the degree of corruption and the scope for economic freedom in transition economies is more complex and less unequivocal than in mature market economy democracies. In transition economies, due to cultural and political factors, economic liberalisation is accompanied by strengthening tendencies towards using political power and official functions for fostering private interests. (original abstract)
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