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Bludnik Izabela
Keynesistowskie teorie histerezy
Keynesian Theories of Hysteresis
Gospodarka Narodowa, 2004, nr 11-12, s. 49-68, bibliogr. 41 poz.
Histereza, Keynesizm, Stopa bezrobocia, Bezrobocie, Teoria ekonomii
Hysteresis, Keynesian theory, Unemployment rate, Unemployment, Economic theory
Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie idei tkwiącej u podstaw modeli histerezy, poprzez prezentację ich podstawowej struktury i zasadniczych implikacji. Część pierwsza została poświęcona charakterystyce modelu insider-outsider autorstwa Blancharda i Summersa. Część druga przedstawia model ubytku kapitału rzeczowego Carlin i Soskice'a. Część trzecia dotyczy modelu ubytku kapitału ludzkiego Layarda, Nickella i Jackmana. Ostatnia część zawiera uwagi na temat adekwatności keynesisowskich koncepcji histerezy zarówno w aspekcie praktycznym, jak i teoretycznym.

In the 1980s, a very sharp rise in unemployment rates was recorded in Europe. In accordance with the dominating monetarist view, that phenomenon was explained by the impact of real factors, like trade union activity and increased financial protection of the unemployed. By the same token, a thesis that demand-related factors were irrelevant and having only a short-term effect on unemployment was advocated. Nevertheless, numerous empirical studies did not confirm the occurrence of sudden adverse changes to real factors blamed for labour market developments in Europe. Consequently, neo-keynesianists came up with a supposition that the NAIRU - the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (or the natural rate) may depend on past levels of the market equilibrium rate. This way the concept of hysteresis has been devised, according to which the NAIRU (the natural rate) may change not only and exclusively due to the impact of real factors, but also due to aggregate demand fluctuations. (original abstract)
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