- Author
- Dobroczyński Michał
- Title
- Chiny jako nowy czynnik w globalnym układzie sił ekonomiczno-politycznych
China as a New Factor in the Global Economic and Political Power Structure - Source
- Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 2006, nr 1147, s. 102-112, bibliogr. 11 poz.
- Issue title
- Problemy regionalne i globalne we współczesnej gospodarce światowej
- Keyword
- Gospodarka, Globalizacja gospodarki
Economy, Economic globalization - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Chiny
China - Abstract
- Przybliżono sytuację gospodarczą i polityczną Chin. Pokazano perspektywy rozwoju ekonomicznego Chin i ich uwarunkowania.
For a long time, practically since the beginning of 19. Century till 1977 (Deng's "revolution"), China was a stagnating, economically underdeveloped country, largely subordinated to foreign influences or even military invasions. However, due to a very unusual combination of historical traditions, autocratic political power and predominantly market economy, in the recent twenty few years China has been transformed into modern, the most dynamic economy in the world scale. Co-operating systematically with foreign partners in all possible areas, such as trade, direct investments, credits, services. And in politics, culture, science, sports. Insisting on proper, correct relations with all major powers - including the United States and Japan. Entering into integrational relations with the neighbouring countries of ASEAN. And, though very slowly, democratizing internal political or social structures as well. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Bibliography
- China's Growth and Integration info the World Economy. Prospects and Challenges, Washington 2004.
- Competitors will Have to Adjust as China Continues to Grow, "IMF Survey", May32, 2004.
- Crafts M., IMF Working Paper, March 2000.
- Dobroczyński M., Ekonomiczne mocarstwa Unii Europejskiej, Toruń 2003.
- Dobroczyński M., Ewolucja międzynarodowej pozycji gospodarki japońskiej, Toruń 2004.
- Dobroczyński M., Zmienność i stabilność w gospodarce międzynarodowej, Toruń 2003.
- Fukuyama F., State Building. Governance and World Order in the 21th Century, Washington 2004.
- Human Development Raport, UNDP, New York-Oxford 2003.
- Krzak M., Niezrównoważona ekspansja Chin, "Nowe Życie Gospodarcze" z 9 maja 2004.
- Rychłowski B., Potencjał wszystkich mocarstw Azji, [w:] Stosunki wschód-zachód a Europa Środkowa, red. M. Dobroczyński, Warszawa 2002.
- UNCTAD World Investment Report, New York-Geneva 2003.
- Cited by
- 0324-8445
- Language
- pol