- Author
- Płowiec Urszula
- Title
- Ewolucja Strategii lizbońskiej - wyzwania dla Polski
The Evolution of the Lisbon Strategy - Challenges for Poland - Source
- Prace Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, 2006, nr 1147, s. 294-306, bibliogr. 13 poz.
- Issue title
- Problemy regionalne i globalne we współczesnej gospodarce światowej
- Keyword
- Konkurencyjność gospodarki, Strategia lizbońska, Gospodarka światowa
Economy competitiveness, Lisbon Strategy, World economy - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Przedstawiono obszar euro na tle gospodarki USA. Omówiono założenia strategii lizbońskiej.
The Lisbon Strategy was a complex programme of improving the competitiveness of member states economies. The primary challenges for Poland, resulting from the Lisbon Strategy, are the same as for "old" member states of the European Union. But the level of challenge is higher because of unemployment and lower level of development. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Bibliography
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- Enlarging the European Union, Achievements and Challenges, European University Institute, March 2003.
- European Council Brussels, 22 and 23 March 2005, Presidency Conclusions 7619/05, Brussels, 23 March 2005.
- Facing the Challenge, The Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Employment, European Communities, November 2004.
- Improving the Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact, Council of the European Union 7423/05, Brussels, 21 March 2005.
- James H., Rośnie nowe supermocarstwo, "Rzeczpospolita" 23-24 kwietnia 2005.
- Lisbon European Council, "Bulletin of the European Union" 2000 nr 3.
- Lisbon Strategy of Economic, Social and Environmental Reneval, SEC (2005) 160, Brussels, 3 Ferbuary 2005.
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- Szomburg J., Biała Księga 2003, cz. I, Polska wobec Strategii lizbońskiej, Gdańsk-Warszawa 2003.
- Szwabe M., Decyzja będzie we wrześniu, "Rzeczpospolita" 23-24 kwietnia 2005.
- Szwabe M., Rosnące znaczenie Chin - wyzwanie dla UE, "Wspólnoty Europejskie" 2005 nr 2.
- The Bangalore Paradox, "The Economist", 23 April 2005.
- Cited by
- 0324-8445
- Language
- pol