- Author
- Malak-Rawlikowska Agata
- Title
- Pozytywne i negatywne skutki liberalizacji zasad transferów kwot mlecznych w Unii Europejskiej na przykładzie Holanii, Danii i Niemiec
Milk Quota Transfer Liberalization - Positive and Negative Implications for EU Dairy Market on Example of the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany - Source
- Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 2007, T. 9, z. 4, s. 118-124, bibliogr. poz.
- Keyword
- Rolnictwo, Polityka rolna, Ceny transferowe, Transfer pieniężny, Przemysł mleczarski
Agriculture, Agricultural policy, Transfer pricing, Money transfer, Dairy industry - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Niemcy, Dania, Holandia
Germany, Denmark, Netherlands - Abstract
- Przedstawiono zmiany w systemie transferów kwot mlecznych na poziomie legislacji wspólnotowej oraz w badanych krajach członkowskich (Danii, Holandii i Niemczech) od początku wprowadzenia systemu kwot mlecznych w 1984 r. Oceniono też skutki liberalizacji obrotu kwotami w badanych krajach.
System of the milk quota transfers has been analysed in the article both on the Community level and in chosen Member States (the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany). Also some effects and implications of quota trade liberalisation have been presented. It was observed that increasing quota mobility by trade liberalisation may diminish negative impact of the milk quota system on structural changes and concentration process. It was concluded also that liberalisation of quota trade in the researched countries increased the milk quota prices. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business - Bibliography
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- Rozporządzanie Rady nr 2998/87 OJ 1987, L 285/1.
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- Cited by
- 1508-3535
- Language
- pol