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Urban Stanisław
Zmiany na polskim rynku zbóż i ich przyczyny
Changes on the Polish Cereal Market and their Contributory Causes
Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 2007, T. 9, z. 4, s. 208-211, bibliogr. 3 poz.
Rolnictwo, Rynek rolny, Produkcja zboża
Agriculture, Agricultural markets, Corn productions
Omówiono zagadnienie produkcji zbóż w Polsce, przedstawiono bilans tej produkcji oraz scharakteryzowano zagadnienie przemysłowego przetwórstwa zbóż.

In Poland cereals are the main crops and the cereal market is the most important branch of the agro-food industry. This part of the Polish market has changed considerably for the last several years. Furthermore, the significant variability has been occurring as a consequence of diverse climatic changes. On 'he other hand, links between Polish and the world market, in this, mainly with the European Union market, are becoming stronger. The noticeable changes have occurred in the structure of the cereal crop production. As far as wheat is concerned, the production of this cereal continues to rise, the same situation concerns wheat-rye and maize. But, production of rye, barley, oats and cereals mixture has gone down. The structure of cereals country 's usage is also changing now. Cereals used for processing are the fastest growing amounts. Albeit, cereals used for milling, baking, producing groats and cereal crisps have fallen down, the production of noodles and cakes continues to grow. (original abstract)
The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
  1. Analizy rynkowe 1996-2006: Rynek zbóż. IERiGŻ-PiB, Warszawa.
  2. Kapusta F. 1998: Teoria agrobiznesu. Wydawnictwo AE, Wroclaw.
  3. Urban S., Szlachta K. 2000: Ekonomika i organizacja handlu żywnością. Wydawnictwo AE, Wrocław.
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