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Šánová Petra, Samek Miroslav, Vopalkova-Skalska Lucie
Market of Organic Products in the Czech Republic after Entrance to EU
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 2007, R. 6, nr 3, s. 95-98, bibliogr. 7 poz.
Polityka rolna, Rolnictwo, Rynek rolny, Produkcja żywności
Agricultural policy, Agriculture, Agricultural markets, Food production
Republika Czeska
Czech Republic
Omówiono zagadnienie rolnictwa organicznego w Republice Czeskiej, który stanowi ważną część polityki rolnej czeskiego ministerstwa rolnictwa.

The organic farming is an important part of agrarian policy of the Czech Ministry of Agriculture. It is perspective way of farming with new market with organic products (it is same expression as bio products). The organic agriculture develops new labor opportunities and country-side as well as it saves an environment. Development of organic farming offers chances for the Czech organic products on the European market. There is demand rising. Since the Czech Republic is a member of the EU the export divides into export to the EU and out of the EU more and more. The Czech market is not as developed and as well supplied with wide range of products as those in western countries, but its recent development shows it is changing and improving. (original abstract)
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  1. ACT No 110/1997 coll. on Foodstuffs and Tobacco as amended. Czech Ministry of Agriculture. Prague.
  2. ACT No 242/2000 coll. on Organic Farming. Czech Ministry of Agriculture. Prague.
  3. Czech Ministry of Agriculture 2004: Zelenâ zprâva 2004. Document about the Czech agriculture in 2004. Ministry of Agriculture. Prague.
  4. Czech Ministry of Agriculture 2006: Ekologické zemëdélstvi v roce 2006. On-line document. In:, Accessed: 9.2.2007.
  5. Moudry J., Prugar J., 2002: Biopotraviny - hodnoceni kvality, zpracovâni a marketing. Czech Ministry of Agriculture. Prague.
  6. Synergy marketing, GFK Prague 2006: Potential BIO potravin na ceském trhu. Ministry of Agriculture, Prague.
  7. Vâclavik T., 2007: Cesky trh s biopotravinami 2005, Greenmarketing, In:, Accessed: 3.2.2007.
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