- Author
- Uçak Harun
- Title
- Trends in Meat Industry - Production, Consumption and Trade
- Source
- Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 2007, R. 6, nr 4, s. 125-131, bibliogr. 6 poz.
- Keyword
- Mięso, Przemysł mięsny, Rynek mięsny
Meat, Meat industry, Meat market - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Scharakteryzowano i oceniono poziom produkcji mięsa w świecie, a także trendy w rozmiarach tego rodzaju produkcji. Omówiono globalne trendy w produkcji mięsa, w konsumpcji i handlu.
This paper describes and assesses the current status of meat production and major trends in such a production. There has been an increase trend in meat consumption per person in most of the countries even also it is a luxury for most population in the world. The world meat production and consumption has been increased especially by the increasing live standards in developing countries. It is expected that the productivity in livestock will determine global meat trade. Some developed countries have comparative advantages by productivity by the reason of economics of scale. In this paper, it is aimed to describe the world meat production, consumption and trade trends. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Bibliography
- FAO, 2004. Intergovernmental Group on Meat and Dairy Products, Follow-Up to the Guidelines for International Cooperation in The Livestock and Meat Sector, 20th Session, Canada.
- Grill M., 1999. Meat Production in Developing Countries, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 58,371-376.
- Haan C, T.S. Van Veen, B. Brandenburg, J. Gauthier, F. Le Gall, R. Mearns, M. Simeon, 2001. Livestock Development Implications for Rural Poverty the Environment, and Global Food Security.
- Sere C, H. Steinfeld, 1995. World Livestock Production Systems, Current Status, Issues and Trends, FAO Animal Production and Health Paper.
- Spencer J., 2003. The International Meat Trade, Woodhead Publishing, 1st Edition.
- Steinfeld H., T. Wassenaar, S. Jutzi, 2006. Livestock Production Systems in Developing Countries: Status, Drivers, Trends-Animal Production and Health Division, Food and Agricultural Organization of The United Nations.
- Cited by
- 1644-0757
- Language
- eng