- Author
- Żuławska Czesława
- Title
- Formy prawne wykorzystywane w procesach zarządzania (reprezentacja - pełnomocnictwo - prokura)
The Legal Forms Employed in Management Processes (Representation - Full Authority - Proxy) - Source
- Zarządzanie i Marketing : prace naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania Akademii Ekonomicznej w Krakowie, 1998, s. 48-50, bibliogr. 8 poz.
- Keyword
- Prawo, Proces zarządzania, Gospodarka rynkowa, Pełnomocnictwo
Law, Management process, Market economy, Power of attorney - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Inicjatywa i przedsiębiorczość w gospodarce rynkowej realizują się poprzez samodzielnie podejmowane decyzje ekonomiczne, których przeważająca część powoduje, zgodnie z wolą działającego, określone skutki prawne. Autorka przedstawiła trzy formy prawne wykorzystywane w procesach zarządzania: reprezentację, pełnomocnictwo i prokurę.
In this article the author discusses those legal problems which are of importance in the organisation of management processes. She discusses the conditions in which an organisational (economic) unit expresses its decisions - acts of volition in a way that has legal consequences for that unit. In legal terminology these are defined as problems of reprezentation. The legal arrangements coming into play here are useful in practice for different organisational structures of enterpreneurship. They are: the legal construction of the organ of a corporate body, which applies to those units furnished with legal personality; the legal construction full powers, essential for entrepreneurs who are both physical persons and operate as any kind of organisational unit; and the legal construction of proxy, a solution employed by commercial companies. The author discusses the conditions in which the three legal constructions - organ, full authority, and proxy - function, and also looks at their variants. The study is based on legal regulations and provisions currently in force and on the rulings of the Supreme Court. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Cited by
- Language
- pol