- Author
- Piecuch Jakub
- Title
- Społeczno-ekonomiczne aspekty rozwoju obszarów o niekorzystnych warunkach gospodarowania (na przykładzie obszarów górskich półwyspu iberyjskiego)
Social-Economic Aspects of Rural Development of Unfavourable Farming Conditions (for Example Mountain Regions of the Iberian Peninsula) - Source
- Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 2007, T. 9, z. 2, s. 275-281, bibliogr. 6 poz.
- Keyword
- Fundusze strukturalne, Rolnictwo, Rozwój gospodarczy regionów
Structural funds, Agriculture, Economic development of regions - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Hiszpania, Portugalia
Spain, Portugal - Abstract
- Przedstawiono sytuację społeczno-ekonomiczną tych obszarów Hiszpanii i Portugalii, które charakteryzują się niekorzystnymi warunkami gospodarowania (ONW). W świetle europejskiej polityki spójności są to obszary znajdujące się w szczególnie niekorzystnym położeniu ze względu na warunki klimatyczne, ukształtowanie terenu, uzależnienie od produkcji rolniczej, czy też peryferyjne położenie. (skróc. oryg. streszcz.)
Importance of mountain areas is increasingly recognized, especially in Europe, because the great part of its is covered by mountain ranges. The same situation can be observed in Spain and Portugal. !n the of European cohesion policy, these areas are perceived as having permanent natural handicaps, due to topographic and climatic restrictions and peripherally. In many mountains regions of Europe, small-scale and agriculture still dominated. In most cases mountain NUTS 3 regions are considered to be areas, which traditional economy is not adapted to market conditions, and depopulation is a normal process. Agriculture is ml sector for mountain economies, and modernization of primary sector seems to be the most important to maintain population levels. Also infrastructure provision in mountain areas is less developed and of quality than in other parts of Europe. All this factors cause that European cohesion policy has an important role to play in integrating both the conservation requirements of this natural environment as well as the welfare of its inhabitants. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business - Bibliography
- Committee of the Regions 2003: Report on Community action for mountain areas. Brussels, 7-12.
- Copus A. K., Price M. F. 2002: A preliminary characterization of the mountain areas of Europe. Final Report, Aberdeen, 7-16, 25-34, 56-62.
- European Commission 2001: Second report on economic and social cohesion. Unity, solidarity, diversity for Europe, its people and its territory. Luxembourg, 29-36.
- European Commission 2004: Third report on economic and social cohesion: A new partnership for cohesion, (mergence, competitiveness, cooperation. Luxembourg, 27-35, 180-186.
- Mountain areas in Europe. Analysis of mountain areas in EU member states, acceding and other European tries. 2004: Final report. NORDREGIO, 1-6, 240-244.
- Rozporządzenie Rady WE, nr 1257/1999.
- Cited by
- 1508-3535
- Language
- pol