- Author
- Galbarczyk Tamara (Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie)
- Title
- Pozyskiwanie kapitałów obcych przez przedsiębiorstwa we współpracy z bankami
Raising External Capital by Companies in Co-operation with Banks - Source
- Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2009, nr 48, s. 270-277, tab., bibliogr. 22 poz.
- Issue title
- Zarządzanie finansami firm : teoria i praktyka
- Keyword
- Finansowanie przedsiębiorstwa, Kapitał obcy w przedsiębiorstwie, Kredytowanie działalności przedsiębiorstwa, Krótkoterminowe papiery dłużne, Obligacje korporacyjne
Financing enterprises, Foreign capital in enterprises, Business activity lending, Short-term debt securities, Corporate bonds - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Celem opracowania jest prezentacja form finansowania działalności pozyskiwanych przez przedsiębiorstwa we współpracy z bankami. Analiza ogranicza się przy tym do najczęściej wykorzystywanych form, jakimi są kredyty bankowe oraz emisje papierów wartościowych o charakterze dłużnym. (fragment tekstu)
When conducting economic activity, companies finance themselves mainly with their own capital. An addition to their own funds can be external capital that comes inter alia from bank credits or issuance by a company of long- and short-term securities (debentures). Because companies should seek the optimum capital structure, the question arises to what extent they use external capital and which form of it is of greatest importance here. As this is a vast subject, the analysis omitted some forms of financing and confined itself to those used most often, which are bank credits and issuance of securities. The funds raised in this form can be both long- and short-term; consequently they can be used to finance current economic activities and investments that enable the company's survival and development. Between 2002 and 2006 there was an increase in credits granted by the banking sector by over 19%. Most of these loans were granted in Polish zloty. Companies were most interested in investment credit (usually long-term), operational credits and current account credits (usually short-term). In the whole period, investment credits constituted the largest percentage of the total credits granted, their increase being over 7%. An increase in operational and current account credits was almost 17% altogether. The indebtedness of companies because of issuance of securities increased in turn by over 35%, the debts on account of issuance of short-term securities having increased by over 11 %, and on account of bonds redeemable after more than a year - having almost doubled. During the whole period investigated, the value of credits raised in banks, a classical way of external funding, exceeded several times the amount of funds obtained by companies from the issuance of securities. The growth rate of long-term obligations on account of issuance of securities is, however, far higher than the growth rate of long-term credits. The issuance of bonds is more convenient than raising credits because it allows greater flexibility in managing the funds raised. After the amendment of the law on bonds, their issuance does not require that their purpose be specified in the issuance terms and conditions (except municipal bonds) unlike bank credits, whose purpose constitutes part of the concluded credit contract. This is important, especially in raising funds for long-term periods. However, the issuance of securities may not be available, especially for smaller entities.(original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics
Szczecin University Main Library - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1899-3192
- Language
- pol