- Author
- Toporowska Joanna (Uniwersytet Gdański, studentka), Zawadzka Katarzyna (Uniwersytet Gdański, studentka)
- Title
- Czy błąd losowy to wszystko? : o znaczeniu błędów nielosowych w badaniach statystycznych
Is Random Error Everything? : Significance Non-Random Errors in Statistical Researches - Source
- Debiuty Ekonomiczne, 2009, nr 9, s. 21-28, tab., bibliogr. 6 poz.
- Issue title
- Zastosowanie metod ilościowych w ekonomii
- Keyword
- Badania sondażowe, Badania statystyczne, Badanie opinii
Survey research, Statistical surveys, Opinion research - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Scharakteryzowano zagadnienie błędów w badaniach statystycznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem błędu sondażowego. Omawiany temat zilustrowano przykładami błędów nielosowych napotykanych w badaniach opinii publicznej.
There are many reasons for errors occurring in public opinion polls. Avoiding or measuring these errors is extremely difficult. Groups such as TNS OBOP, PBS, Gfk Polonia etc., which research the Polish market, only show a random error (most frequently %), which is relatively easy to count, show and explain. Unfortunately, there are many more issues to be considered. One of significant examples is the opinion polls before the elections in 2005 and 2007 in Poland. The discrepancy between the polls and the elections results shows a huge need to improve the way of measuring the polls. Moreover, the groups which research the market should inform people more precisely about the tools they use. The fact that there are systematic errors right next to random errors is worth mentioning. Systematic errors have an additional impact on the results of statistical researches. Systematic errors are difficult to detect and cannot be analyzed statistically. An opinion poll can be seen as a professional way of showing peoples' opinion on nearly every subject. However, we need to treat our researches seriously, taking all the aspects, like systematic errors, into consideration, as it is done in the United States of America, where the Gallup Organization is doing its job really well. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Bibliography
- Szreder M., Błędy w badaniach opinii publicznej, "Marketing i Rynek" 2002, nr 1.
- Szreder M., Metody i techniki sondażowych badań opinii, Polskie Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 2004.
- Szreder M., Znaczenie informacji spoza próby w badaniach ankietowych, "Marketing i Rynek" 2004, nr 4.
- Szreder M., Kilka uwag o naturze błędów w badaniach sondażowych, "Pieniądze i Więź" 2005, nr 2(27).
- Szreder M., O potrzebie i kierunkach doskonalenia jakości badań sondażowych, "Marketing i Rynek" 2006, nr 10.
- Zasępa R., Metoda Reprezentacyjna, Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne, Warszawa 1972.
- Cited by
- 1730-2145
- Language
- pol