- Author
- Misala Józef (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie), Siek Elżbieta (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie)
- Title
- Rozwój procesu stabilizacji makroekonomicznej w Polsce w okresie 1990-2004 i główne czynniki determinujące
Development of the Macroeconomic Stabilization Process in Poland in the Period 1990-2004, and Its Main Determinants - Source
- Zeszyty Naukowe / Szkoła Główna Handlowa. Kolegium Gospodarki Światowej, 2005, nr 19, s. 113-136, rys. bibliogr. 15 poz.
- Keyword
- Analiza ekonomiczna, Wskaźniki makroekonomiczne, Przekształcenia ustrojowo-systemowe, Stabilizacja gospodarcza
Economic analysis, Macroeconomic indicators, Political and systemic transformations, Economic stabilization - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Istotnym problemem polityki gospodarczej każdego z krajów jest utrzymywanie stabilizacji makroekonomicznej, czyli poszukiwanie optymalnego rozwiązania dylematów między takimi wielkościami, jak tempo wzrostu gospodarczego, stopa inflacji, stopa bezrobocia, stopa zadłużenia zagranicznego. Z tym problemem mają do czynienia w szczególności politycy w krajach reformujących swoje gospodarki narodowe, w tym w Polsce. Głównym celem artykułu jest ocena dotychczasowego rozwoju procesu stabilizacji makroekonomicznej w Polsce w okresie 1990-2004 oraz określenie głównych czynników determinujących ów rozwój. Oceny dokonuje się na podstawie kształtowania się podstawowych wskaźników stabilizacji makroekonomicznej w powyższym okresie przy wykorzystywaniu tzw. metody pięciokąta stabilizacji makroekonomicznej, na podstawie zaś wyników odpowiednich badań formułuje się wnioski. (fragment tekstu)
Sustaining macroeconomic stabilization poses a significant problem for economic policy of each country poses. This poses a problem particularly to the politicians of the countries reforming their national economies, including Poland. The main objective of the article is assessment of the hitherto development of the macroeconomic stabilization process in Poland in the period 1990-2004, as well as definition of the main factors determining this development. The authors make the evaluation on the basis of main indicators of macroeconomic stabilization over the surveyed period with the use of the so-called method of the macroeconomic stabilization pentagram. In the conclusions, the authors stress that with the use of the applied method there is relatively easy to indicate the evident lack in Poland of coherence between the monetary policy that the National Bank of Poland is responsible for and the government price-income and fiscal policy. The attempts of the independent National Bank of Poland at stabilization of the value of money alongside the policy of liquid currency course was very often accompanied with the wrong income and fiscal policy of the government. The direct effect of this has been deepening of the state budgetary deficit since 2000. A significant degree of destabilization of the public finances may be considered as the main reason for difficulties with ensuring macroeconomic stabilization. Other significant reason comprise high unemployment rate that may be decreased through deregulation of the labour market, and not through centrally steered management of this market. From the point of view of both: short-term and long-term context, it is difficult to imagine obtaining positive effects of the macroeconomic stabilization process by Po-land without the further activation of the economic foreign exchange, particularly in the area of exporting goods and services. However, there is also necessary further intensification of the economic relations of Poland with other countries at the so-called entry. Without the further reasonable opening of Poland to the world and maintaining the adequate policy of steering the foreign direct investments in Poland towards the right directions it is very difficult to imagine obtaining any major successes in the process of macroeconomic stabilization in the country. (original abstract) - Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1428-1457
- Language
- pol