- Author
- Kliber Paweł (Poznań University of Economics, Poland), Maćkowiak Piotr (Poznań University of Economics, Poland), Malaga Krzysztof (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
- Title
- Application of neoclassical growth models to analysis of regional inequalities in Poland
- Source
- The Poznań University of Economics Review, 2004, vol. 4, nr 2, s. 46-66, rys., tab., bibliogr. 10 poz.
- Keyword
- Modele wzrostu, Produkt krajowy brutto (PKB), Konwergencja, Region gospodarczy, Model Solowa-Swana
Growth model, Gross domestic product (GDP), Convergence, Economic region, Solow-Swan model - Abstract
- In this paper we apply the neoclassical growth models of Solow-Swan (1956) and Mankiw-Romer-Weil (1992) to the analysis of regional inequalities. The regional inequalities in Poland are described by the values of parameters in both of the growth models, the speed of convergence of the growth paths of GDP per worker (p.w.) towards their steady-states and the distributions of GDP p.w. among the sixteen Polish regions (voivod-ships) in 1999 - compared with their counterparts in the steady-states. We also try to evaluate the usefulness of the neoclassical growth models for the analysis of regional inequalities in Poland. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
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- Kliber P., Maćkowiak P., Malaga K. (2004), Convergence et disparités régionales en Pologne. Analyse en termes des modèles néoclassiques de croissance, XLème Colloque de l'ASRDLF, Bruxelles 1-3.09.2004 (http://www.ulb.ac.be/soco/asrdlf/documents).
- Kliber P., Malaga K. (2003a), Convergence of Regional Growth Paths Towards Stable Steady-states in Poland in Years 1998-2000, The Poznań University of Economics Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, p. 12-30.
- Kliber P., Malaga K. (2003b), Convergence des sentiers de croissance économique des régions polonaises vers les états d'équilibre stables, XXXIX Colloque de l'ASRDLF, Lyon 1-3.09.2003, (http://asrdlf2003.entpe.fr/pdfpapiers).
- Kliber P., Malaga K. (2002), On the Convergence of Growth Path Towards Steady-States in OECD Countries in Solow-Swan Type Models, W. Charemza, K. Strzała K. (ed), East European Transition and EU Enlargement, A Quantitative Approach, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg, New York, 87-104.
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- Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Poland(1999-2002), Zakład Wydawnictw Statystycznych GUS, Warszawa.
- Statistical Yearbook of the Regions - Poland (1999-2002), GUS, Warszawa.
- Cited by
- 1643-5877
- Language
- eng