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Manikowski Piotr (Poznań University of Economics, Poland)
Examples of space damages in the light of international space law
The Poznań University of Economics Review, 2006, vol. 6, nr 1, s. 54-68, bibliogr. 30 poz.
Szkody, Prawo międzynarodowe, Odpowiedzialność cywilna
Damages, International law, Civil liability
The issue of liability arising to third parties as a result of space activities, has been discussed by academics for nearly fifty years. It has however had a limited practical implications, due to the very few events where third party damage has been sustained. When disaster strikes third parties as well as those directly involved are financially affected. This article considers how these issues are treated under international law. Basic rules of international space law were mentioned, with a special emphasis put on liability issues. Several examples of space accidence and submitted claims were shown. (original abstract)
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