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Rodríguez Beatriz (University of Malaga, Spain), Molina Julian (University of Malaga, Spain), Caballero Rafael (University of Malaga, Spain)
Multiobjective Model for Designing Customized Tourist Tours
Multiple Criteria Decision Making / University of Economics in Katowice, 2010, vol. 5, s. 213-227, bibliogr. 28 poz.
Analiza wielokryterialna, Turystyka, Czynniki rozwoju turystyki, Podejmowanie decyzji
Multicriteria analysis, Tourism, Tourism development factor, Decision making
Korespondencja z redakcją: numeracja wpisana za zgodą redakcji (wynika z ciągłości wydawniczej serii MCDM) - brak numeracji na stronie tytułowej
The tourist sector has undergone many changes in recent years due to technological progress and demographic change. On the one hand, there have been immense advances in communication technology and easy access to the Internet, which have led to the globalization of tourist information and greater numbers of tourists being able to access information on a huge number of products. On the other hand, a substantial change has taken place in tourist preferences and behaviour, with a move away from standard trips to other more personalized options, where customer preferences are taken into account. They are not only looking for sun and beach activities, but are also interested in culture and heritage, thus distributing their time between cultural visits and relaxation and leisure. When planning a tour, the tourist's objectives may be in conflict because, among other factors, the most important attractions are usually the most expensive, and thus the tourist is clearly faced with a multiobjective problem. We develop a model to solve this problem, taking into account the diverse economic costs (transport, the cost of different activities, lodging, etc), the timing of the different activities, and his/her particular preferences. (original abstract)
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