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Dopierała Łukasz (Uniwersytet Gdański)
Bankowe sieci franczyzowe w województwie pomorskim
Franchising Systems of Banks in Pomeranian Province
Prace i Materiały Instytutu Handlu Zagranicznego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2011, nr 30, s. 192-206, bibliogr. 10 poz.
Sieci franczyzowe, Bankowość, Franchising
Franchising networks, Banking, Franchising
Prowadzenie przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach silnej konkurencji niesie ze sobą znaczne ryzyko niepowodzenia. Ryzyko to może zostać ograniczone dzięki franczyzie, gdyż umożliwia ona wykorzystanie doświadczenia, procedur oraz produktów przedsiębiorstw, które odniosły już sukces na rynku. Jedną z branż, w których sieci franczyzowe rozwijają się najdynamiczniej jest bankowość. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest określenie stanu rozwoju bankowych sieci franczyzowych w województwie pomorskim oraz charakterystyka warunków ich funkcjonowania.(fragment tekstu)

Franchising is a specific method of selling goods and services. It lies in using another firm's successful business model. In banking, the practice of franchising causes many benefits for franchisors as well as for franchisees. A vital part plays the way of agencies extension and development. Thanks to it the bank incurs lower costs be- cause it uses a large part of franchisee's capital. Furthermore the crucial element is the way the bank is governed and the effectiveness of leading actions because in most cases franchisor acting to his own business achieves better results than employing an additional manager. A businessman who is joining the chain gets a component on the technological knowledge know-how and also the possibility to lead the bank without the enormous investment outlays which are required in the process of establishing his own bank. In banks' offers there are two main models of franchising systems. In the first, one a bank provides a well-equipped local to a franchisee. It should look like as their own bank agency. Additionally, a bank choose by its own the most suitable location. One of the disadvantages of this system is high cost of the accession to the project. In the second model, the duty to find and equip the agency rests on franchisee. Of course selected location must be accepted by the franchisor. He also helps the franchisee in customizing the place to the actual standards. However it does not mean that the franchisor participate in the expenses. The bank agency must fulfill the criterion (concerning location and technological conditions) imposed by the franchisor. Frequently it must be situated in the city centre (on the ground floor), near a car park or in the shopping centre, where is a large accumulation of people. In Pomeranian province the placement of bank agencies is irregular. We can observe the concentration on the urbanized areas, like Tricity or S³upsk. The gathering causes strong competition between bank agencies. Banks may not approve the location of the franchising agencies in fear of becoming unprofitable. For the areas of increasing potential we can indicate small and medium cities which are located in Słupsk district, Sztum district, Bytów district or Człuchów district.(original abstract)
Full text
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