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Miah Hanif (University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh)
Post-colonial State and Bureaucracy in Bangladesh : Theoretical Understanding
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2013, vol. 7, s. 43-54, tab., bibliogr. 22 poz.
Biurokracja, Biurokracja rządowa, Politycy, Wojsko
Bureaucracy, Government bureaucracy, Politicians, Army
Bureaucracy is the management apparatus of a state administration. Even in private sector, bureaucratic organization is very much essential for its smooth functioning and betterment. A legalized domination of bureaucracy only can ensure highest efficiency of an organization in a country. But the state bureaucracy of Bangladesh not developed legally from Pre-colonial period to post-colonial phase as well as an independent Bangladesh eventually. The state bureaucracy of Bangladesh is patrimonial in nature based on personal interests. The politicians and bureaucrats are interdependent in various manners for the fulfillment of their purpose illegally in Democratic Bangladesh. Simultaneously, the impact of militarism still exists in state bureaucracy of Bangladesh as it faced military rule in several times. (original abstract)
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