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Drozdowska Marta (University of Business in Wroclaw, Poland), Duda-Seifert Magdalena (Wrocław University of Economics, Poland)
Preferences of Erasmus Students Concerning Culinary Tourism
Current Issues of Tourism Research, 2014, vol. 4, nr 1, s. 25-37, rys., bibliogr. 33 poz.
Program Socrates-Erasmus, Żywność, Studenci, Turystyka, Turystyka kulinarna
Socrates-Erasmus programme, Food, Students, Tourism, Culinary tourism
The purpose of this article is twofold. First, the authors wanted to evaluate the degree to which young Europeans are both informed and interested in culinary tourism offer. Secondly, the question was is there a possible potential for future growth of this market segment based on their preferences. The specific group has been selected as the sample which were young Europeans taking part in Erasmus exchange programmes who have studied at one of two Wrocław universities during the last three years. A questionnaire was developed to examine the characteristics and behaviour of the sample selected. The first section of it gathered the general data concerning respondents, demographics included. Next section concerned the study in Poland period experiences, including first part about the eating habits manifested there, and the second one about knowledge of Polish cuisine. The last section of the questionnaire regarded general tourism and culinary experience of respondents encompassing their knowledge of culinary products and desired culinary destinations. Culinary tourism market in Poland displays potential which on the one hand is connected with cuisine and culinary traditions and on the other with behavior and approach of Poles. Nevertheless Polish cuisine and local culinary products are not well promoted yet. The respondents' adventure with the culinary tourism seems just to be being born. Linking the culinary experience to cultural and social values of their stay it offers opportunities to increase the popularity of the destination. Finally, in order to strengthen the regional identity of the destination there is a need to increase the profile of local foods in the promotion and marketing of the region.(original abstract)
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