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Dorocki Sławomir (Pedagogical University of Cracow)
Tourist Regions as Places of Development of Innovativeness
Current Issues of Tourism Research, 2014, vol. 4, nr 1, s. 50-57, rys., bibliogr. 38 poz.
Działalność gospodarcza, Innowacje, Region turystyczny
Business activity, Innovations, Tourist region
Until recently, tourist regions were the destination for investment of the leisure industry due to their natural and cultural resources, as well as attractions offered. However, as a result of technological transitions, these regions are now migration destinations of many people, whose job allows them greater mobility. This applies mainly to people who do not work physically (e.g. scientists, programmers, investment bankers, etc.). Also, in many cases, tourist regions are location of investment in R+D sector. This applies also to institutions that use unpolluted natural environment in their activity, e.g. field research stations. The article analyses to what degree the tourist regions of the EU overlap with the areas of concentration of creative class. For this purpose, statistical data on size and use of accommodation base, as well as human resourced for science and technology, and distribution of research personnel.(original abstract)
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