- Author
- Tomaszewska Agnieszka (Biuro Analiz Sejmowych)
- Title
- Pomoc publiczna w świetle prawa wspólnotowego
European State Aid Regulations - Source
- Studia BAS, 2008, nr 16, s. 27-48, bibliogr. 11 poz.
- Issue title
- Wybrane problemy wspierania przedsiębiorstw w Polsce
- Keyword
- Pomoc publiczna, Pomoc publiczna dla przedsiębiorstw, Prawo WE
Public aid, Subsidies granted to enteprises, European Community law - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Przedmiotem niniejszego opracowania jest przedstawienie istoty pomocy publicznej w świetle regulacji wspólnotowych. Pierwsza część przybliża zagadnienia związane z omawianym pojęciem oraz zakazem jej stosowania. Teoretyczne podstawy funkcjonowania tej instytucji prawnej zobrazowane zostały orzecznictwem Trybunału Sprawiedliwości. Druga część odnosi się do dopuszczalności udzielania pomocy publicznej. W praktyce bowiem, generalny zakaz udzielania pomocy publicznej nie jest bezwzględny.(fragment tekstu)
This paper intends to provide a concise overview of the EU's state aid regime. It does not aim to provide an exhaustive description of these rules. Instead, it focuses on the essential issues regarding state aid. The two types of measures are considered: the ones that are covered by EU state aid rules and those which are acceptable under European legislation. The analysis is also based on extensive review of case law, which can be very helpful in fully understanding the state aid matters. The paper thus begins by introducing the scope and nature of state aid. It outlines the current conditions on granting the state aid according to the EC Treaty. Although, the Treaty provides that State aid is, in principle, incompatible with the common market, it does not mean a full-scale prohibition. The paper, following the Treaty, also specifies a number of cases in which state aid could be considered acceptable. The last part describes the notification and authorisation procedures. The background for this paper is also the need for emphasizing both positive and negative sides of state aid. Its ambition is to valuate both sides, that will lead to better state aid schemes. Thus, state aid should, in the future secure the largest possible effect for beneficiaries and with the smallest possible distortionary effects on competition. The author also enlightens the basic reason for the existence of the State aid rules, that is to ensure that aid does not distort competition in the European Union. Nonetheless, State aid can in some cases effectively and efficiently contribute to foster economy.(original abstract) - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 2082-0658
- Language
- pol