- Author
- Liberda Barbara (University of Warsaw, Poland), Pęczkowski Marek (University of Warsaw, Poland)
- Title
- Households' Saving Mobility in Poland
- Source
- Statistics in Transition, 2013, vol. 14, nr 2, s. 273-286, rys., tab., bibliogr. 20 poz.
- Keyword
- Oszczędności gospodarstw domowych, Łańcuch Markowa, Gospodarstwa domowe
Household savings, Markov chain, Households - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- In this paper we examine the mobility of Polish households with regard to saving rates during the years 2OO7-2O1O and compare it with the households' saving mobility during the years 1997-2OOO. The analysis for 2OO7-2O1O is based on the household budget panel data from three panels of 15,OOO Polish households selected by authors for the years 2OO7-2OO8, 2OO8-2OO9 and 2OO9-2O1O from the Household Budget Surveys. We use the Markov mobility matrix and estimate the long-term ergodic distribution of households according to the saving rates. Our results show that the long-term households' distribution reveals a tendency towards polarization of households with regard to saving rates. Comparing the results for 2OO7-2O1O with the authors' previous research on the households' saving mobility for a decade earlier during 1997-2OOO, we prove that between the years 1997-2OOO and 2OO7-2O1O the long-term change in the distribution of households was asymmetrical toward the highest saving rate groups. This helps to explain why Polish households could maintain positive and rising savings during the highly uncertain period of the financial crisis in 2OO7-2O1O. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Full text
- Show
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- Cited by
- 1234-7655
- Language
- eng