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Shingjergji Ardian (Lagjia "Visarion Xhuvani" University of Elbasan, Albania), Shingjergji Besa (Lagjia "Visarion Xhuvani" University of Elbasan, Albania)
Modeling the Assessment of the Pre-school Children's Motor and Linguistic Skills
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2014, vol. 2, s. 56-66, tab., bibliogr. 9 poz.
Rozwój, Dzieci, Edukacja, Gry dydaktyczne
Development, Children, Education, Educational games
Development is a multi-sided process entailing the changes occurring to the individuals in the course of their lifetime. In children, the development perceptions includes the interaction of such fields as the physical, emotional, cognitive and social domains. In this context, the interest fields of this study are those of the pre-school children's motor and linguistic skills as well as their games as necessary means effecting the development of these skills. Object of the study is the assessment of the level of motor and linguistic skills to 5-6 age-group children through playing. The study strives to answer to such questions as: on what motor and linguistic features and characteristics are those games perceived of? What are the effects of motor developments into the linguistic and cognitive development? To what ways the selected and applied models of those games make the skills assessment in these fields possible? To what aspects, the applied games models measure or assess certain indicators of the motor and linguistic skills in this age-group children? The research has been based on the concrete understanding of these age group children's features as well as on the modeling the games to be applied with these children in our pre-school institutions. Moreover, the results deriving from the application of those models have been transferred to the teachers and educators in the respective pre-school institutions of Elbasan Country. (original abstract)
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