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Shanker R. (College of Business and Economics, Eritrea), Mishra A. (Patna University)
A Two-Parameter Lindley Distribution
Statistics in Transition, 2013, vol. 14, nr 1, s. 45-56, tab., bibliogr. 17 poz.
Estymacja, Metoda największej wiarygodności, Metoda momentów
Estimation, Maximum likelihood estimation, Moment method
A two-parameter Lindley distribution, of which the Lindley distribution (LD) is a particular case, has been introduced. Its moments, failure rate function, mean residual life function and stochastic orderings have been discussed. The maximum likelihood method and the method of moments have been discussed for estimating its parameters. The distribution has been fitted to some data-sets to test its goodness of fit. (original abstract)
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