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Bernátová Jana
Rodinné prostredie cez prizmu rómskej etnicity na Slovensku
Family Environment through the Prism of Roma Ethnicity in Slovakia
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2010, nr 5 (2), s. 253-263, bibliogr. 13 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies
Mniejszości narodowe, Kobieta, Rodzina, Romowie
Ethnic minority, Woman, Family, Romany
Republika Słowacka
Slovak Republic
The family is the basic cell of society. Positive experiences for the child's primary socialization in the family is essential to create and maintain an atmosphere of certainty and security. In the conception of Roma family is a social institution that represents and shapes the social relations not only within its own, internal space, but also externally. Roma family is characterized by the multiplicity of its members. Raising children in a Roma family in segregated settlements is frequently on the shoulders of only one parent, or grandparents, and can be seen frequent expressions of aggression within families, communities, but also externally. Roma family can be understood as an organic whole, which in relation to the outside acting coherently. All activities, both positive and negative costs are comprehensively assessed as either progress or failure as a whole community. Segregated settlements, situated near the villages or small towns have not developed infrastructure, there are settlements without electrification or water supply is not built sewerage etc. These facts pose a risk not only increase morbidity, lack of care, children's homework on the teaching process itself or the possibility of integration. If the mother is uneducated, socially incompetent, professionally and economically passive, is unable to do anything more for your baby, just give him the same socialization process, which she passed.(original abstract)
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