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Singh G. N. (Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India), Prasad Shakti (Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India)
Some Rotation Patterns in Two-Phase Sampling
Statistics in Transition, 2011, vol. 12, nr 1, s. 25-44, tab., bibliogr. 21 poz.
Estymatory, Estymacja, Statystyka
Estimators, Estimation, Statistics
A problem related to the estimation of population mean on the current occasion using two-phase successive (rotation) sampling on two occasions has been considered. Two-phase ratio, regression and chain-type estimators for estimating the population mean on current (second) occasion have been proposed. Properties of the proposed estimators have been studied and their respective optimum replacement policies are discussed. Estimators are compared with the sample mean estimator, when there is no matching and the natural optimum estimator, which is a linear combination of the means of the matched and unmatched portions of the sample on the current occasion. Results are demonstrated through empirical means of comparison and suitable recommendations are made. (original abstract)
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