- Author
- Gluchmanová Marta
- Title
- Eticko-morálna a pedagogicko-psychologická problematika negatívnych prejavov správania detí a mládeže v školskom a mimoškolskom prostredí
Ethical-Moral and Pedagogical-Psychological Problems of Children's and Youth's Negative Context of Behaviour - Source
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2008, nr 1 (1), s. 73-79, bibliogr. 17 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies - Keyword
- Etyka, Dzieci szkolne, Zachowania społeczne, Młodzież
Ethics, School children, Social behaviour, Youth - Note
- summ
- Abstract
- The author of the paper deal with the ethical and moral as well as the pedagogical and psychological problems of negative phenomena in and also out of school in Slovakia after 1989. These manifestations are very frequent in connexion with the globalisation. So the cooperation of teacher and pedagogical psychologist is more necessary at school or pedagogical and psychological centres. The achievement of successes depends on the mutual cooperation of pedagogue, psychologist and parent. Pedagogical and psychological centres usually solve the most significant phenomena in behaviour of pupils and students. In the others, less substantial cases, there is tendency to integrate those pupils and students into the school society. The problem of educational system, including the problems of violence and aggressiveness as one of the sphere the pedagogical ethics deals with, reflects the socio-cultural changes.(original abstract)
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1898-8431
- Language
- slo