- Author
- Prievozníková Karina
- Title
- Vyvýnové tendencie v oblasyi colného práva
Development Tendencies in Customs Law - Source
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2008, nr 1 (1), s. 223-226
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies - Keyword
- Prawo celne, Elektroniczna komunikacja, Rozwój, Procedury celne
Customs law, Electronic communication, Development, Customs procedures - Note
- summ
- Abstract
- The article presents development tendencies in the area of customs legislation in connection with its further possible evolution resulting from the forming European legislation. A full membership of Slovak republic in the European union determines the overall direction of our legislation, not excluding the area of customs law. In her article, the author closely observes the two most obvious and strongest development tendencies occuring in the area of customs law - a tendency of electronization of customs communication and a tendency of customs legal regulation precising.(original abstract)
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- Bibliography
- Babčák, V.: Základy finančného práva I. časť, Právnická fakulta UPJŠ, Košice, 2001, s. 21.
- Cited by
- 1898-8431
- Language
- slo