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Dolista Josef (Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Slovakia)
Bioetika a genetika z pohledu filosofické etiky
Bioethics and Genetics from the Perspective of Philosophical Ethics
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 6 (1), s. 45-64, bibliogr. 33 poz
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies
Etyka, Bioetyka, Wolność religijna
Ethics, Bioethics, Religious freedom
Philosophical ethics treated not the man as a rational animal, or just as a biological creature. All religions attempt to see human life as something sacred, where any handling of his mental and physical aspect is not allowed. Therefore, different religions represented in the negotiations under favor of freedom of conscience, support religious freedom, abortion and refuse to express reservations especially to preimplantation diagnosis. The matter is complicated because within individual churches and religious groups are assessing the many current scientific knowledge in genetics and possibly radically. less radically. This leads to the need to distinguish between groups that express their opinion and can not express in general. That religious belief affects billions of people, perhaps it is not necessary to justify. Therefore, dialogue between scientists in the field of genetics and religious leaders can be considered very beneficial. The most common question for religious leaders is when human life begins. The answer is clear to them, it is a combination of male sperm and female eggs. More problematic is the question, but when human life begins with personal? So when a person becomes a person? Some religious leaders are able to discuss it, otherwise it is clear that this question is unnecessary. It is clear that they want to imply that every human person is unique, that each germ cell develops into a person with self-confidence with their own emotions and rationality, hence the need to protect every human embryo that could develop into full humanity. Ethical conduct scientific evaluation of the position of each religion therefore starts from the basic assumption that the science of protecting human life from its beginning to its natural end. Science has therefore to protect and promote human life, is to promote quality of life, but does not lead to premature termination of life. Another great range of ethical issues topic is in vitro fertilization, especially when it comes to an anonymous donor in the case of marriage, but also in the case of unmarried couples. This is especially the need for resolution in ethics, if we follow a pragmatic approach to man in ontologically or in Kant's conception. You can say that Kant's approach to person based on ethical principiálnosti position, ie, whether what we do, we may make. Because not entering into the doctrine of each religion should be only pointed out that some opinions are really very different. This suggests that bioethical issues are very different between religions in specific problem areas and clearly not here to testify(author's abstract)
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