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Dercová Marta (University of Prešov, Slovakia)
Excentrická pozicionalita ako východisková kategória problému telesnosti človeka
Eccentric Positionality Like a Baseline Category of a Problem of Corporality in Philosophical Antropology
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 6 (1), s. 77-84, bibliogr. 16 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies
Antropologia filozoficzna, Filozofia człowieka
Philosophical anthropology, Human philosophy
This report represents an examination of one of the most recent issues of philosophical anthropology and thus the problem of corporality. The main idea of a report is associated with a basic category of Helmuth Plessner´s philosophical antrhropology, eccentric positionality, which we can consider to be an antropological category a priory when dealing with a problem of corporality. This category demstrates double distance of a man to his body.(original abstract)
Full text
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