- Author
- Frejowski Sebastian (Wyższa Szkoła Administracyjno-Społeczna w Warszawie)
- Title
- Reforma francuskiego prawa arbitrażowego - przekład ustawy z wprowadzeniem
French Arbitration Law Reform - the Introduction of a Translation of the Act - Source
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 6 (1), s. 497-515
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies - Keyword
- Prawo, Arbitraż gospodarczy, Kodeks cywilny
Law, Commercial arbitration, Civil Code - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Francja
France - Abstract
- W dniu 1 maja 2011 r. weszła w życie zmieniona w całości Księga IV Francuskiego Kodeksu Postępowania Cywilnego1 dotycząca postępowania arbitrażowego. Została uchwalona w dniu 13 stycznia 2011 r. przez Ministra Sprawiedliwości2 i ogłoszona Dekretem nr 2011 - 48. Zmiany dotykają niemal każdego etapu postępowania. W XX w. francuska ustawa procesowa przechodziła gruntowne zmiany3. Poprzednia reforma arbitrażu z lat 1980 i 1981 została oceniona pozytywnie ze względu na uproszczenie, poprawę efektywności jak i wprowadzenie rozwiązań zapobiegających blokowaniu postępowania arbitrażowego. Jednakowoż wymogi nowoczesnego obrotu, a także zabiegi na rzecz przyciągnięcia większej ilości postępowań arbitrażowych wymusiły dokonanie przedmiotowej nowelizacji (fragment tekstu)
The paper is a translation of parts of the amended Code of Civil Procedure. It is incorporated in articles 1442-1527 of the French Code of Civil Procedure ( Le Code de procedure civile ). Décret n° 2011-48 portant réforme de l'arbitrage, was published in France's Official Journal, alongside a report commenting on the reform. The New French Arbitration Law ( Décret n° 2011-48 du 13 janvier 2011 portant réforme de l'arbitrage ) aimed at increasing the efficiency of arbitration in France entered into force on 1 May 2011. France has had amongst the most arbitration-friendly legal regimes since 1981, when French arbitration law was modernized. Since that time, the French courts have demonstrated unfailing support for arbitration. It is worth noting that reform concerns both domestic and international arbitration. The new law becomes effective and applicable as of 1 May 2011, except for a number of specifically enumerated provisions which apply only if the arbitration agreement was entered into, the arbitral tribunal constituted, or the award rendered, after that date. The new decree codifies many jurisprudential developments, thus making existing French law more user-friendly and accessible. But the decree also takes into account international best practices in arbitration, introducing changes to French arbitration law that will make France an even more effective jurisdiction as a seat for arbitrations and with respect to the enforcement of arbitral awards. Article 1447 codifies the fundamental principle of the autonomy of the arbitration agreement, according to which the arbitration clause remains unaffected even if the underlying contract is found void. The provision states that the arbitration agreement is independent from the contract it relates to. Another example of codifying existing case law can be found in Article 1466. According to this provision, which is clearly inspired by previous French case law as well as the common law concept of estoppel, a party who - in knowledge of the facts and without any legitimate excuse - fails to invoke an irregularity of the arbitral process in due course, is prevented from doing so at a later stage. Another notable innovation is contained in Article 1526, which provides that a challenge of the award does not automatically result in suspension of enforcement proceedings. Rather, according to Article 1526 para. 2, a suspension has to be specifically requested and is granted only if the enforcement would be highly detrimental to the rights of the party requesting the suspension. The report accompanying the new law notes that the aim of this provision is to discourage bad faith annulment proceedings which seek to delay the enforcement of fully valid and legitimate awards. Article 1526 will apply to awards rendered after 1 May 2011. Finally, it remains to mention a few words about the translation. The author in this respect is based on the so-called. method dynamic equivalence or functional equivalence conveys the essential thought expressed in a source text - if necessary, at the expense of literality, original sememe and word order (original abstract) - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
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- K.Frątczak, N. Mikołajczyk, Nowelizacja francuskiego Kodeksu Postępowania Cywilnego: Rewolucyjne zmiany w prawie arbitrażowym. e - Przegląd Arbitrażowy nr 2 (wiosna) 2011 r., s. 40
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- Cited by
- 1898-8431
- Language
- pol