- Author
- Stolárik Stanislav (GKTF UP, v Prešove, Slovakia)
- Title
- Teologicko a filozoficky pohľad na človeka v encyklikách Jána Pavla II. Redemptor hominis a Evangelium vitae
Theological and Philosophical View of Man in the Encyclicals of Pope John Paul II. Redemptor Hominis and Evangelium Vitae - Source
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 7 (2), s. 11-28
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies - Keyword
- Ewangelicyzm, Filozofia człowieka, Godność człowieka
Evangelicalism, Human philosophy, Human dignity - Note
- summ.
- Jan Paweł II
- Abstract
- Doctrine of man, especially summarized in the encyclicals of Pope John Paul II.Redemptor hominis and Evangelium vitae, without any questioning can beidentified only as a clear statement about the dignity of the person, but thislearning may correctly be regarded as the highest guarantee of human rights,which many say, but not always looking at the man as being the original whosespecificity exceeds every other creature on this earth. Offered doctrine,interpreting John Paul II., These parameters indicates stresses explains anddefends, making human life reveals the full meaning of existence. So you choose to build opposition to many nihilistic concepts of man, not only in termskontestácie needed, as appropriate. John Paul II. in their learning, very clearlyemphasizes the importance of values, rejects all totalitarian practices, enslavinghuman beings as free, but also rejects liberalism, which considers individual liberty as being a fundamental value, and not the person and the common good.John Paul II. their teaching so as rejects. "Christian liberalism", which considersthe freedom of mankind and nature of resource values. The teaching of Pope John Paul II. about man and his dignity is renewed hopefor man and mankind, that if he wants to move forward, must know and accept the truth about himself. The truth about itself offers a life of freedom (cf. Jn 8, 32)respect for and receiving explicit axiological principles, as necessary andindispensable in the personal, gradujúcej implementation, autorealizácii (original abstract)
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1898-8431
- Language
- slo