- Author
- Szaniszló Inocent-Mária V. (Inštitút aplikovanej etiky Alexandra Spesza, Teologicka Fakulta, Katolícka Univerzita Ružomberok v Košiciach, Slovakia)
- Title
- Novonarodenci versus opice. Pokus o kritiku znovuobjavenej teórie druhizmu
Novonarodenci Versus Monkey. An Attempt to Critique the Newly Discovered Theory Druhizmu - Source
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2011, nr 7 (2), s. 71-78, bibliogr. 16 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanist Studies - Keyword
- Bioetyka, Etyka
Bioethics, Ethics - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- Recently, in our Slovakian companies, a lively debate on the protection of human life and the need to seek a proper relation to the handling of human embryos.Many media controversy dealt with the issue, since the man in their embryonicdevelopment deserve protection, and since (if at all) we can talk about some earlyhuman life. Many times we can not find a satisfactory answer that would satisfyboth opinions, but in practice we should be looking to ensure that all biomedicalpractices that are currently in use were in accordance with the ethics and (moral)natural law. But today, despite the belief that each person's life should be protected under that law, which protects the life and honor, and also echo the view that in certainspecial cases that can break the law. Eg. induced abortion, artificial insemination,cloning, euthanasia, and the like. If one were to judge when a human life worth more or less, as their time Peter Singer has argued, we would admit that life itselfand therefore man is not always the same price. The consequence would be that a person can be deprived of life at any time, without us ever broke the law. It istherefore necessary to think more deeply about it and stressed that human life isalways the same value from the beginning until its end. And therefore, certainly notonly such, as it has for decades advocated druhizmu Singer theory. (original abstract)
- Full text
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1898-8431
- Language
- slo