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Drzewiecka Iveta
Písmo ako umelecké médium: text na pozeranie čítanie
Letters as an Art Medium
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2009, nr 3 (3), s. 293-304, bibliogr. 15 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Komunikowanie, Sztuka, Formy komunikowania
Communication, Art, Forms of communication
In the paper author analyses the visual appearance of the literary art work. Letters as a visual form are not only an inactive carrier of the verbal meaning. They also effect aesthetically as well as every communication medium. The letters can be the carrier of the art value, which is not of the semiotic character. In the written text there exist two degrees of the verb visualisation. The first degree is the visualisation as an indispensable and pragmatical condition of the beeing of the text. The second is the visualisation as an intentional emphasizing of the visual aesthetic text activity. Author compares functions of two essential semiotic modes in the text (the literary and the visual mode) and how they influence the aesthetic text effectiveness upon his beholder. The main task of the paper is to verify the hypothesis that the cooperation between the image and the verbal principle creates a new aesthetic potention, which increases and oversteps the literary text easthetics.(original abstract)
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