- Author
- Gluchmanová Marta
- Title
- Teacher, democratic values and methods
- Source
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2009, nr 3 (3), s. 335-342
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies - Keyword
- Pedagogika, Nauczanie, Aksjologia, Metody nauczania, Edukacja
Pedagogy, Teaching, Axiology, Teaching method, Education - Abstract
- Dewey's work in the field of philosophy of education is relatively unknown in Slovakia, primarily because no comprehensive work dealing with his philosophy of education has been translated into Slovak to date. I would like to deal with John Dewey's ideas on education in modern society, compare them with some contemporary ones, and perhaps propose a possible implementation of these ideas in Slovak schools at present. I presume that his ideas are still current and relevant in our circumstances as well - especially as far as the period after the year 1989 is concerned, because it has seen many changes in education. Bearing in mind that the issue of education in Slovakia is not central to our politicians' attention, I must conclude that even those proposals for change that have already been made in this area - similar to Dewey's ideas in many respects - have proved very slow to take effect. (fragment of text)
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- Bibliography
- B. Suchodolski, Wstep, w: J. Dewey, Demokracja i wychowanie, Wroclaw 1972, s. iv.
- V. Rosa-I. Turek-M. Zelina, Návrh koncepcie rozvoja výchovy a vzdelávania v Slovenskej republike (Projekt "Milénium"), Bratislava 2000, s. 11.
- D.R.Boyles, Dewey's Epistemology: An Argument for Warranted Assertions, Knowing, and Meaningful classroom practice, w: Educational Theory, 2006, vol. 56 (1), s. 57-68.
- A. W. Brian, Thought and Action: John Dewey at the University of Michigan. Michigan 1998, s. 20.
- J. Dewey, Democracy and Education. New York 1922, s. 417.
- M. Krankus, Škola a demokracia v pedagogike J. Deweya, w: Pedagogická revue, 1992, vol. 44 (7), s. 537.
- H. Siegel, Philosophy of Education and the Deweyan Legacy, w: Educational Theory, 2002, vol. 52 (3), s. 273-280.
- Rosa et al., Návrh koncepcie rozvoja výchovy a vzdelávania v Slovenskej republike (Projekt "Milénium"), Bratislava 2000, s. 20-22.
- Cited by
- 1898-8431
- Language
- eng