- Author
- Sucharek Pavol
- Title
- Przyczynek do levinasowskiej k Kant v kontexte Husserlovej a Heideggerovej filozofie rytyki fenomenologii czasu Husserla
Contribution to Livines' Critics of Husserl's Time Phenomenology - Source
- Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2010, nr 4 (1), s. 113-120
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies - Keyword
- Fenomenologia, Filozofia
Phenomenology, Philosophy - Note
- summ
- Husserl Edmund
- Abstract
- The presented paper briefly delimitates the main ideas of Levinas´ criticism of Husserl´s concept of time. According to Levinas, time in Husserl´s comprehension is something like a product of the consciousness. In the consciousness is the time becoming a remembrance (remémorable) and then it is recaptured (récupérable) through the retention and protention or anticipation in present. Levinas believes that time is structured in completely different way; basically it is unreachable and untouchable as it is not an achievement of being (conatus essendi) but it is the transcendence of oneself, one´s spacing, distance from being. It is not simply as the subject is experiencing time but it is more as the subject, a continuance of time and it flows in the stream of time. Subject as is understood by Levinas is the one who interfere the course of the time, "the possibility of new beginnings".(original abstract)
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- Bibliography
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- Cited by
- 1898-8431
- Language
- slo