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Rollnik-Sadowska Ewa (Bialystok University of Technology, Poland)
Transformation of European Labour Market Policy Models - Exemplified by Denmark, Germany and The United Kingdom
Optimum : studia ekonomiczne, 2014, nr 5 (71), s. 38-51, bibliogr. s. 50-51
Państwo opiekuńcze, Modele polityki społecznej, Polityka zatrudnienia, Aktywizacja rynku pracy, Rynek pracy
Welfare state, Models of social policy, Employment policy, Labour market activation, Labour market
Dania, Wielka Brytania, Niemcy
Denmark, United Kingdom, Germany
Nowadays changes in the field of conditionings of European labour market policy as ageing society and crisis of welfare state, impose new objectives for the process of cohesion creation. The European Union countries, representing different labour market policy models (Scandinavian, corporate, liberal), have implemented labour market reforms allowing for effective usage of labour resources. The author in the article presents the assumptions of labour market policy models and indicates the main directions of its transformation in the current social and economic conditionings. That transformation mainly regards to concentration on active labour market policies and increasing its efficiency. The analysis was based on the example of three countries - Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom. They represent three different labour market models and are characterized by the activity in the field of carried out reforms of labour market (mainly active labour market policy). Those countries, thanks to the implemented changes, improved the employability of labour force and (in spite of the economic crisis from 2008) maintained stable situation on the labour market. (original abstract)
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
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