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Kubicová L'ubica (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra), Kádeková Zdenka (Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra)
The Use of Marketing Communication Tools by DANONE Company
Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW w Warszawie. Polityki Europejskie, Finanse i Marketing, 2012, nr 7 (56), s. 45-52, rys., tab., bibliogr. 8 poz.
Scientific Journals Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW. European Policies, Finance and Marketing
System informacji marketingowej (SIM), Komunikowanie marketingowe, Komunikowanie przedsiębiorstwo-klient, Komunikowanie w przedsiębiorstwie, Narzędzia marketingu bezpośredniego, Efektywność reklamy, Marketing, Marketing produktów żywnościowych
Marketing information system (MIS), Marketing communication, Communication company-client, Communication in organisation, Direct marketing tools, Advertising efficiency, Marketing, Marketing of food products
Understanding the basic principles of effective communication with the market and also should focus on creating an appropriate and balanced communication mix. When communicating with customers, the most important is the basic information about the product and its advantages. The basis of good corporate communication mix creates the elements such as advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing and event marketing. These are the tools by which the company Danone seeks to achieve its advertising and marketing objectives. In 2011 Danone came with a new campaign: "Oh la la Danette!" pointing at French recipe and delicious taste of this product. Another really successful products of Danone company is Actimel and Activia. Survey prooved, that the ads of Danone company influence more women than men and there is also a strong dependence between age of respondents and trust to the brand. 15 - days test and the decision of respondents about accession to the test of Activia product is largely affected by the economic situation of the consumer. Most of the respondents truly believe the information about positive health impact of Activia product on human body as it is seen in ads on TV. (original abstract)
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