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Ahmadi Kumars (Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran), Rahimi Fatemeh (Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran)
The Relation of Personality Dimension with Nationalism Consumption Level of the Sanandaj Citizens
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2015, vol. 2 (1), s. 116-124, tab., bibliogr. 11 poz.
Konsumpcja, Osobowość człowieka, Wyniki badań, Gospodarka
Consumption, Human personality, Research results, Economy
The purpose of this research is to determine the level of the Sanandaj citizens' personality dimensions and property relation with the nationalism consumption in 2004. The method of this study is descriptive and correlation kind. The statistic society of the current study consisted of Sanandaj people with the cognitive population property (education and economy situation) that according to the over 2000 persons of population density, 384 persons was chosen based on the Korjesi and Morgan with the classification method as the statistic objects. The information collective tool included the five personality factors questionnaire and the nationalism consumption measurement. For analysis the data, the SPSS statistic software, and for surveying the relation of the criterion and foresight variables, the analysis of the Regression and Variance correlation coefficients was used. The Regression analysis represented that the personality variable dimensions, predict the nationalism consumption variable variance at 5 percent level. This coefficient was having a positive effect in extroversion dimension, it means that with the extroversion level increment, the nationalism consumption will also increase, but in other dimensions (Excitement stability, flexibility, deontology, amiability), it had negative coefficient effect thus with any dimensions increment (Excitement stability, flexibility, deontology, amiability), the nationalism consumption level decrease.(original abstract)
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