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Gulášová Ivica (Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce sv. Alžbety, Slovakia), Breza Jan (Urologicka klinika s Centrom pre transplanta cie oblic iek, FNsP Krama re, Bratislava), Breza ml. Ján (Urologická klinika sCentrom pre transplantácie obličiek, FNsP Kramáre, Bratislava, LFUK, Bratislava)
Komunikácia na operačnej sále
Communication in the Operating Room
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2013, nr 11 (2), s. 67-75, bibliogr. 9 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Personel medyczny, Komunikowanie interpersonalne, Leczenie
Medical staff, Interpersonal communication, Medical treatment
Operating room is now a place or a magical environment where the suture irreplaceable, quiet and reliable tour guide patients and surgeons. There was a perception that communication with patients in operating theaters is very limited, respectively, rare and used much less than the wards, intensive care units and clinics, but it is not so. Communication during surgical interventions, whether among staff or patients is always individual. This depends mainly on whether the interventions under general, spinal or local anesthesia . This is a rather important fact, because it is derived from a method of communication between members of the operating team and the operations team and the patient. Communication is an important aspect of nursing activities. That is reason why the autors of the report focus on the specificis of nursing care in the operating room. Work in this field pats high demands on the nurse as the site of a professional, as well, as psychologicae, physical and emotionae. Inclusion of nurses in this work provides the same personal characteristics and skills. (original abstract)
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  3. Gulášová, I. 2008. Bolesť ako ošetrovateľský problém. Martin, Osveta, 2008.
  4. Gulášová, I. 2009. Právne aspekty zdravotnej a ošetrovateľskej starostlivosti. Martin, Osveta, 2009.
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