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Kuzmišinová Viera (VŠMP ISM Slovakia v Prešove Department of Economics, Marketing and Management)
Income Inequality as Part of New Economic and Social Conditions of Business. Income Inequality as a Today's Phenomenon
Humanum. Międzynarodowe Studia Społeczno-Humanistyczne, 2013, nr 11 (2), s. 139-149, bibliogr. 14 poz.
Humanum. International Social and Humanities Studies
Dochody z pracy, Nierówności społeczne, Nierówności społeczno-gospodarcze, Dochody ludności, Rozkład dochodów, Ubóstwo
Labour income, Social inequality, Social-economics inequality, People's income, Income distribution, Poverty
The allocation of revenues / incomes is a key factor in the functioning of every socio economic system. Problem, even considerable risk of significant property and the income inequality lies in the fact that this would mortify capital and does not get into the economic cycle. Dangerous is that income inequality is understood (forces to be accepted) as a static and necessarily acceptable phenomenon of the current socioeconomic system. The deepening income inequality is the cause of many negative issues of the contemporary world. World inequality (growing disparity in capital and labour income) obtains enormous proportions and has a growing trend, thereby it increases the volume and strength of its negative consequences, such as: economically unjustified concentration of capital and assets in the hands of individual layers of society, economically unjustifiable and unsustainable dis-parity between wealth growth and deepening inequality of its distribution, disregard for the principles of merit and non-discrimination within the manner and form of distribution and redistribution in society, narrowing the space for the recovery of capital surplus, increasingly deformed structure of production and consumption, unprecedented expansion of the financial sector; virtual demand generated by the expanding financial sector , excessive production capacities, increase of regional disparities, increasing economic and political power of TNK, increase of deficit of public finance; shifting of state costs to the citizens (health, education, social care, etc.), permanent income freezing of the majority of the population, growth in the number of people in poverty, escape of firms from paying social and fiscal payables, insufficient effective demand at real economy, corruption, excessive growth of government and household indebtedness, unemployment, inadequate position of people at the labour market, devastation of the environment, the decline of moral and value orientation in people's behaviour and in the functioning of society, decline of the birth rate, aging of population, social, economic and political instability, susceptibility of the society to social and economic shocks, etc. These facts also represent new economic and social conditions for business.(original abstract)
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