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Vlăduţescu Ştefan (University of Craiova, Romania)
Odile Riondet in Communication Horizon
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences (ILSHS), 2014, vol. 25, s. 59-66, bibliogr. 58 poz.
Komunikowanie interpersonalne, Etyka, Antropologia, Komunikowanie
Interpersonal communication, Ethics, Anthropology, Communication
The study radiographies the scientific contribution of Professor Odile Riondet in communication domain. It is ascertained that the standard R. T. Craig, of the "seven major traditions" of "communication field theory", is inapplicable. The method that is used is the axis of segregation of problems after expressed ideational. It emerges that Odile Riondet as advocate of SIC (Sciences de l'information et communication), is positioned by default in "communication science". It results that she has meritorious contributions to communication epistemology, in communication ethics, communication philosophy and communication anthropology. It is concluded that in the communication horizon, Odile Riondet can be remembered as outstanding specialist of the "communication anthropology" axis. (original abstract)
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