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Owłaszczenko Aleksander (Bałtycka Akademia Międzynarodowa, Łotwa), Zieliński Jacek (Akademia Podlaska w Siedlcach)
Nowa europejska polityka morska : zarządzanie i interesy Polski
New European Sea Politics : Management and Polish Interests
Doctrina. Studia społeczno-polityczne, 2008, nr 5, s. 149-162, przypisy
Doctrina. Social and Political Journal
Gospodarka morska, Polityka morska, Bariery rozwojowe
Maritime economy, Maritime policy, Development barriers
Rocznie przez europejskie porty morskie przewija się około 3,5 mld ton ładunku i 350 mln pasażerów; 350 tys. ludzi zatrudnionych jest w portach i usługach. W tym kontekście warto zastanowić się nad pozycją Polski w europejskiej gospodarce morskiej, jej potencjałem i barierami rozwojowymi.(fragment tekstu)

The paper notes that marine-based industries and services generate between 3 and 5 per cent of Europe's gross domestic product and marine regions account for more that 40 per cent of GDP. Europe is a major world player in shipping, fisheries, off-shore exploration, underwater technology, marine research, environmental protection and many other areas intimately linked to maritime affairs. More than two-third of the EU's borders are coastal. This makes Europe an influential actor in international fora. It also makes it all the more important for Europe to ensure that international decisions on maritime issues are of the highest quality. How can the EU help to stimulate greater coherence, cost efficiency and coordination of the government activities on EU waters? The European Commission published its Green Paper on 7 June 2006. The Green Paper, "Towards a future Maritime Policy for the Union: A European vision for the Oceans and Sea", seeks to stimulate debate on the future direction of EU policy on a number of maritime issues and to encourage greater co-ordination between the various aspects of European legislation that impinge on maritime sectors. The new integrated maritime policy will truly encompass all aspects of the oceans and the seas in a holistic, integrated approach. The integrated approach is not only innovative, it is also strongly endorsed by all stakeholders who participated in the wide debate throughout Europe, during the consultation process following the launching of the Green Paper on a Future Maritime Policy for the Union. The integrated maritime policy with its overarching strategy provides an analytical framework and a selection of objectives to allow us to define the actions needed to attain both these objectives and the overall goals of the new policy. An integrated approach to maritime policy should develop policies and legislative proposals that are coherent and mutually compatible. One of its tools should be a list of existing obstacles or inconsistencies, in order to allow the streamlining and improvement of a coherent regulatory framework. An integrated maritime policy requires a governance framework that applies the integrated approach at every level, as well as horizontal and cross-cutting policy tools.(original abstract)
Full text
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