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Dehnel Grażyna, Gołata Elżbieta
On Some Robust Estimators for Polish Business Survey
Statistics in Transition, 2010, vol. 11, nr 2, s. 287-312, rys., tab., bibliogr. s. 311-312
Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa, Statystyka gospodarcza, Estymatory
Small business, Economic statistics, Estimators
The paper presents attempts to use administrative data and non-standard techniques to estimate basic economic information about small business in the joint cross-section of Polish Classification of Economic Activities and regions. Due to many outliers and significant fraction of entities for which many variables are equal to zero, the considered distributions are heterogeneous. Therefore, Horvitz-Thompson estimates are compared with the robust ones: modified GREG, Winsor and local regression. Results obtained in the study present practical possibilities of adopting robust estimation techniques to small business data in Poland. Properties of the estimators are discussed. (original abstract)
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