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Śmigielski Janusz (Medical University in Łódź), Majdzińska Anna (University of Lodz, Poland), Śmigielski Witold (University of Lodz, Poland)
Using ROC Curves to Find the Cut-Off Point in Logistic Regression with Unbalanced Samples
Statistics in Transition, 2010, vol. 11, nr 2, s. 381-402, rys., tab., aneks, bibliogr. s. 401-402
Ekonometria, Modele regresji, Metody ekonometryczne, Regresja logistyczna
Econometrics, Regression models, Econometric methodology, Logistic regression
Logistic regression is widely used in many fields of science, e.g. medicine, psychology and anthropology. It was introduced in the 19th c. and its graphic form was developed by P. F. Verhulst and R. F. Pearl, who were the first to use the logistic model in practice to model population increase. The full model of logistic regression was used by Finney in 1972 [Stanisz, 2000, p. 205]. Logistic regression is used in models with a dichotomous endogenous variable, i.e. one taking only values 0 and 1 (e.g. healthy persons 7=0, sick persons 7=1). The probability of variable Yi taking value 0 or 1 can be estimated by means of maximum likelihood method (see section 2). As far as the dichotomous variable is concerned, a frequently occurring problem is unbalanced sample, i.e. having the number of the values 7=0 considerably different from the number of values 7=1, for example, the number of healthy persons is usually much larger than of the sick ones. The classical method to find the cut-off point for the estimated probability P(Yi=1) (in order to transform this probability into values 0 or 1 of the endogenous variable), may turn out quite ineffective. Therefore, the optimal cut-off value should be sought with methods other than the classical ones. In the paper we propose using the concept of the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves in order to find an optimal cut-off point in logit models based on unbalanced samples. The proposed method will be compared with some other popular methods discussed in the literature. (fragment of text)
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