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Patel Jigna (Sardar Patel University, India), Patel P.A. (Sardar Patel University, India)
On Non-Negative and Improved Variance Estimation for the Ratio Estimator Under the Midzuno-Sen Sampling Scheme
Statistics in Transition, 2009, vol. 10, nr 3, s. 371-385, aneks, bibliogr. s. 383-385
Symulacja Monte Carlo, Estymatory, Estymacja
Monte Carlo simulation, Estimators, Estimation
Various studies on variance estimation showed that it is hard to single out a best and non-negative variance estimator in finite population. This paper attempts to find improved variance estimators for the ordinary ratio estimator under the Midzuno-Sen sampling scheme. A Monte Carlo comparison has been carried out. The suggested estimator has performed well and has taken non-negative values with probability 1. (original abstract)
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