- Author
- Rossa Agnieszka (University of Lodz, Poland)
- Title
- Estimation of Life-Tables Under Right-Censoring
- Source
- Statistics in Transition, 2009, vol. 10, nr 3, s. 387-395, tab., bibliogr. s. 395
- Keyword
- Statystyka umieralności, Estymacja, Estymatory, Tablice trwania życia
Mortality statistics, Estimation, Estimators, Life table - Note
- summ.
- Abstract
- The paper deals with a class of non-parametric estimators of conditional probabilities of failure prior x+y given survival to x under the random and observable right-censorship model. The proposed estimators are based on a specific sequential sampling scheme. Application of the estimators in life-table analysis is presented. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
- BERKSON, J. & GAGE, R. 1950. Calculation of Survival Rates for Cancer. Proc. of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic, 25, pp. 270-286.
- BRESLOW, N. E. & CROWLEY, J. J. 1974. Large Sample Study of the Life Table and Product Limit Estimates under Random Censorship. Annals of Statistics, 2, pp. 437-454.
- DAYA, S. 2005. Life Table (Survival) Analysis to Generate Pregnancy Rates in Assisted Reproduction: Are We Overestimation Our Success Rates? Human Reproduction, 20, 1135-1143.
- EFRON, B. 1967. The Two-Sample Problem with Censored Data. Proceedings of Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 4, pp. 831-853, University of California Press, Berkeley.
- GEHAN, E. A. 1965. A Generalized Wilcoxon Test for Comparing Arbitrarily Single-Censored Samples. Biometrika, 52, pp. 203-234.
- ROSSA, A. 2005. Estimation of Survival Distributions under Right-Censoring and Applications, University of Łódź (in Polish).
- Cited by
- 1234-7655
- Language
- eng