- Author
- Muwanga-Zake E.S.K. (Makerere University, Uganda)
- Title
- Monitoring Workers' Remittances and Benefits in Uganda : the Statistical Issues
- Source
- Statistics in Transition, 2009, vol. 10, nr 3, s. 465-478, tab., bibliogr. s. 478
- Keyword
- Emigracja zarobkowa, Obrót płatniczy, Analiza danych statystycznych
Economic emigration, Payment turnover, Statistical data analysis - Note
- summ.
- Country
- Uganda
Uganda - Abstract
- Due to the increasing importance of remittances to Uganda, efforts are underway by the Central Bank and Central Statistics Office in the country to improve the regulatory and monitoring of environment. A multifaceted approach is used. This includes the enactment of a new law and regulations, improving administrative reporting and carrying out surveys in the major remitting countries and in Uganda. However, these have issues of collecting complete, accurate and timely data. (original abstract)
- Accessibility
- The Main Library of the Cracow University of Economics
The Library of Warsaw School of Economics
The Library of University of Economics in Katowice
The Main Library of Poznań University of Economics and Business
The Main Library of the Wroclaw University of Economics - Full text
- Show
- Bibliography
- ABUKA, CHARLES (2008): The Government and Remittances: Uganda's Policy. Presentation at the Workshop on Remittances in Uganda: African Development Bank Group; 28 May, 2008.
- African Development Bank (ADB) - Remittances in Uganda: The Way Forward, Serena Hotel, Kampala, Uganda 28 May 2009; WORKSHOP REPORT.
- Bank of Uganda, Uganda Bureau of Statistics & GTZ; (2007); Inward Remittances 2006; Survey on Remittances to Uganda, 2007 Workers' Remittances Report.
- International Monetary Fund (1993); Balance of Payments Manual; Washington, D.C.
- MUWANGA-ZAKE, E.S.K (2004): Transferring Funds to Uganda: The Current Legal Ways and Issues, Paper Presented at the UNAA Convention, Minnesota September 2004.
- OROZCO, MANUEL (2008): Remittance Transfers, its marketplace and Financial Intermediation in Uganda: Preliminary Findings, Lessons and Recommendations. Report Commissioned by the Inter- American Development Bank in co-operation with the African Development Bank.
- TERRY F. DONALD; WILSON R. STEVEN (Editors) (2005); Beyond Small Change: Making Migrant Remittances Count; Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, D.C.
- TUMUSIIME MUTEBILE, EMMANUEL (2006), Governor Bank of Uganda; Speech at the Second International Conference on Migrant Remittances: Remittance and Access to Finance; County Hall; London, United Kingdom; November 13-14, 2006.
- Uganda Government, (2005); The Foreign Exchange Act 2004, and the Foreign Exchange (Forex Bureaux and Money Remittance) Regulations, 2006.
- Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2006); Uganda National Household Survey, 2005/06.
- World Bank, (2008) Bilateral Remittance Corridor Analysis (BRCA) Remittance Corridors to Uganda United Kingdom, United States, and South Africa: Challenges to linking remittances and use of formal financial services. Isaku Endo and Jane Namaaji; Editors.
- Cited by
- 1234-7655
- Language
- eng